Instructions for Oral Presentation
The duration of the oral presentation including discussion is 30 min for Keynote Speakers, 20 min for Invited Speakers and 15 min for other Presenters.
Oral presentations should be prepared using MS Office PowerPoint. A computer with a projector will be available in all sessions. All presenters are asked to save their presentation in a USB storage device in a format that can be read by PowerPoint (2007, 2010, 2013, 2016) on a Windows-based PC.
The certificate will be given after presentation.
Instructions for Poster Presentation
1.The poster is presented using X-banner format
2. Size : 160 x 60 cm
3. Use the ISCE logo (click here), put on the top right of your X-banner
Posters are to be mounted according to the numbering on the poster panels (to be announced in the conference programme).