“Chemistry for Sustainable Development: Achieving SDGs Through Innovations and Collaborations and Learning Digitalization”
The conference is aimed to disseminate the results of research from universities, research centers, and government boards and bring synergy between research and industry. Through innovative research, interdisciplinary collaborations, and strategic partnerships, chemistry offers promising pathways towards a more sustainable future. The conference will provide the opportunity for more environmental and efficient technology in the field of chemistry, chemical process and engineering.
The ISCE established in 2015, provides a forum for scientists abroad: chemist, material scientist, engineer, from undergraduate, graduate (master and doctoral) students, and scientists from research centers and industries to share and discuss their recent research and expertise through poster and oral presentation. Furthermore, keynote and invited speakers from many fields will come from overseas to share their expertise in the plenary session. All the papers will be published in conference proceedings, and the selected papers will be published in the indexed journal by Scopus paper after the peer-review process.
Welcome to the Chemistry for Sustainable Development Conference – let the dialogue and innovation begin.

Prof Taifo Mahmud
Oregon State University, USA

Prof. Won-Chun Oh
Hanseo University, Korea

Associate Prof. Dr. Corrienna binti Abdul Talib
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Asst Prof Azilawati Jamaludin
Nanyang Technological University Singapore

Prof. Jaslin Ikhsan, M.appl.Sc., Ph.D
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,

Prof. Adi Darmawan, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D
Universitas Diponegoro,
Semarang, Indonesia

Prof. Prawit Nuengmatcha
Konkhaen University, Thailand

Ganjar Fadillah, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D
Universitas Islam Indonesia,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Prof. Suresh Sagadevan
NANOCAT University of Malaya,

Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Norazah Basar
University Teknology Malaysia

Jamil Suprihatiningrum, S.Pd.Si., M.Pd.Si., Ph.D.
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Topic of interest to be covered in the conference includes, but not limited to:
Chemistry Education Curriculum and Policy
Classroom Action Research in Science
Assessment and Evaluation
Independence Learning and Digital Learning
Teacher Learning and Education (in-service and pre-service teachers)
Environmental and Social Issues in chemistry
Skill oriented and Instructional Learning in 21st Century
Materials and advance material
Electrochemistry and application
Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
Renewable and sustainable energy
Environmental chemistry and its aspects
Organic synthesis for food and drug
Reaction engineering and quality control
Computational modeling and chemometric
Chemical engineering and process
Chemical Education and society
Full paper submission
Notification of acceptance
1 day after submission
Notification of acceptance
Payment Deadline
6th August 2024
Conference dates
14th August 2024
Conference dates
Prof. Dr. Is Fatimah (Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia)
Technical Editor
Ganjar Fadillah, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Technical Committees
Gani Purwiandono, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Nurcahyo Iman Prakoso, S.Si., M.Sc. Ph.D.
Kuntari, S.Si., M.Sc
Dr. Maisari Utami, S.Si.
Lina Fauzi’ah, S.Pd., M.Sc.
Muhaimin, M.Sc.
Dr. Tatang Shabur Julianto, S.Si., M.Si.
Dr. Habibi Hidayat, S.Pd., M.Si.
Febi Indah Fajarwati, M.Sc.
Amalia Rachel Lorensa Watie, S.T.
Isnaini Kholilurrohmi, S.Pd.
Dedy Sugiarto, S.Si.
Cecep Sa’bana R, S.Si.
Istyarto Damarhati, S.Pd.Si.
Yorfan Ruwindya, A.Md.
Matkli Dimas Astrianto Saputro, S.Pd.Si.
Scientific Committees
Prof. Dr. Is Fatimah (Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia)
Prof. Dr. Parvez Haris (De Monfort University, UK)
Prof. Fethi Kooli (Taibah University, Madinah, KSA)
Prof. Ponnadurai Ramasami (University of Mauritius)
Prof. Dr. Nuryono (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
Prof. Hideya Kawasaki (Kansai University, Japan)
Prof. Riyanto, Ph.D (Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia)
Prof. Datuk. Dr. Ahmad FauziIsmail (University Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Prof. Won-Chun Oh (Hanseo University, Korea)
Prof. Michiaki Matsumoto (Doshisha University, Japan)
Prof. Dr. Istadi, S.T., M.T (Diponegoro University, Indonesia)
Assoc. Prof. Oki Muraza (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, KSA)
Assoc. Prof. Laemmthong Chuenchom (Prince Songkla University, Thailand)
Assoc. Prof. Sim Yoke Leng (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia)
Assoc. Prof. Azlan Kamari (Universitas Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia)
Dr. Dwiarso Rubiyanto (Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia)
Dr. Suresh Sagadevan (Universiti of Malaya, Malaysia)
Dr. Omid Akbarzadeh Pivehzhani Chemical Engineering (Ph.D.) (University of Malaya)
Assoc Prof. Ts. Dr. Ahmed H. A. Dabwan (University College TATI)
Ts. Dr. Azharin Shah Bi Abd. Aziz University (Collage TATI)
The Alana Yogyakarta Hotel & Convention Center

The Kharma Villas Yogyakarta

Indoluxe Hotel Jogjakarta

Grand Keisha Yogyakarta
Author guideline
- The manuscript must be prepared in English with a minimum 4 pages in the A4 document size. Please prepare your full paper manuscript using this template: download
- The full paper must be submitted in WORD format Max 2MB to ISCE Submission Open Journal System: OJS and register on the link: registration (with five unique numbers of paper ID received from OJS
- Accepted paper must be registered and presented at the conference by at least one of authors
The registration fee is not included publishing fee in conference proceeding.
Rp 2.000.000
Rp 1.500.000
Rp 300.000
Payment to :
Bank Syariah Indonesia
Account No. 7201148035
Swift Code
Name Isnaini Kholilurrohmi
Please send your payment proof to [email protected] and/or WA (081214760400)
Check our previous Conference Proceedings
1st ISCE 2015
2nd ISCE 2017
3rd ISCE 2019
4th ISCE 2021
Indexed by :

Prof. Dr. Zanzawi Soejoeti Building
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Kampus Terpadu UII
Jalan Kaliurang Km 14.5 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55584
Telp : +62 (274) 895920 ext 3011
WA: +62 856-4757-4695 (Muhaimin)
Fax: +62 (274) 896439
Email: [email protected]